Elite Dance Studio

Please Note: There will be an annual registration fee of $35 dollars per family charged in September. Everyone must now keep a credit card on file. Thank you!
We offer classes in contemporary, jazz, tap, ballet, hip hop and variety of other styles. We also offer private lessons as well as an adult dance crew that performs and competes.
We have many competitive teams to choose from: Petite, Mini, Junior, and Senior Company. As well as Boys Electric Crew team, Elite Tap Company, Electric Crew 40+ and Breeonna Fiamengo Dance company. All of these compete various times throughout the year. We offer performance opportunities to the teams and regular students that are taking classes. We also allow students to compete under us who do not have a studio they compete under and who would like a solo chreographed by one of our instructors. Students do NOT need to be in Company to perform at some of our venues such as the Clippers half time, Show case, or PV fair. We are a drop in studio and many like to take a class when schedule permits or take a master class. Make Elite your home away from home.